Used Oil & Oil Filter Recycling
It is illegal to dispose of used oil by:
- Dumping into street or storm drain
- Putting in the garbage
- Pouring on the ground
- Burning
Disposal of used oil filters in garbage receptacles is also prohibited.
General Information
To recycle used oil and used oil filters, follow these easy suggestions:
First ...
Drain your motor oil into a drain pan. Clean up spills with an absorbent material such as cat litter or sawdust. DO NOT hose down your work area. Oil-soaked absorbent should be taken to the Yuba-Sutter Household Hazardous Waste Facility in a leak-proof bag or container.
Using a funnel, pour your used oil into the original container or reusable clean plastic container with a tight-fitting screw-top lid. Do not contaminate used motor oil with other hazardous fluids (when used oil becomes contaminated it cannot be recycled and must be taken to the Yuba-Sutter Household Hazardous Waste Facility).
Place your used oil filters in a sealed, leak-proof plastic bag.
Mark each container, "Waste Oil." Pack containers upright into a sturdy box or plastic tub for easy, safe transport to the recycling center. Transport all hazardous wastes in your trunk or truck bed.
And Finally...
Hop in your car and drive to the used oil recycling center closest to you. Call first for hours and quantities accepted. Do not leave hazardous materials exposed to sunlight or stored overnight in your car.
California "Check Your Number" Campaign Challenges 3,000-Mile Oil Change Habit
A recent survey by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) indicates almost 15 million Californians change their motor oil every 3,000 miles or less. However, with today’s advanced technologies, many car makers confirm that their automobiles can now maintain top performance and engine life while going longer between oil changes under normal driving conditions. Motorists can take the first step by checking their owner’s manual or by visiting to find recommended oil change intervals for popular vehicle models. Severe driving conditions may require more frequent oil changes as discussed at
Used Oil Recycling Centers
Recycle used motor oil and filters at these locations (please note that not all locations accept used oil filters):